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What is wholesale money?

Wholesale money refers to large sums of money lent by financial institutions in money markets. As the subprime crisis showed, it is quick to arrange but dangerous to rely on. Wholesale money markets are a good leading indicator of stress in the financial system.

What are wholesale exchange rates?

Wholesale exchange rates are the foreign exchange rates used by banks, large corporations and public & private institutions for large volume currency transactions. In simpler terms, they are real-time exchange rates that are very close to published rates you can see on Google, and other financial sites.

How are youtrip's wholesale exchange rates managed?

YouTrip’s Wholesale Exchange Rates are managed by the YouTrip platform with our foreign currency partners and Mastercard®, typically with a marginal difference of 0.1%. You can check the live rates for the 10 currencies available for in-app exchange in the YouTrip app at any time.

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